It’s the Greek word for God’s holy time. It doesn’t function like our time. God’s time isn’t linear, it can be seasonal or simply a time appointed by God. Kairos is all around us, but sometimes we have to step back out of our everyday routines to recognize it.

Kairos Programs at FPC are an opportunity to participate in God’s holy time each week through a variety of activities.


We meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:00. Different groups meet at different locations!

Adult Formation


Broad Horizons

Broad Horizons is intended to include members in the 60+ age range. Broad Horizons promotes fellowship through sharing meals, activities, and travel. Other plans include walking tours of downtown LaGrange, a dinner at the Wolfe's farm, and musical or theatrical events at Auburn's Gogue Performing Arts Center. 

Contacts: Ann Sellman, annsellman4@gmail.com; and Laura Neely, lneely@fpclagrange.org 


Brush Fire

Brush Fire is a group that gets together once a month for a social gathering, food, and fun. They will take on a periodic study this fall. They meet in members’ homes or out at restaurants. 

Contact: Deb Sargent, dsargent@fpclagrange.org


Know your Bible (kyb)

Know Your Bible (KYB) class meets twice a month at Eunice Carr's home from 10:00 to 11:30 am.  We usually meet on the first and third Friday of each month unless there is a conflict, in which case they meet on the second and the fourth. Their study is around books of the Bible. Eunice Carr and Jan Carnes share teaching responsibilities. 

Contact: Jan Carnes, carnejk@bellsouth.net 


Seekers Class meets at 9:00 am Sundays in the Session Room. They do various biblical and topical studies. This fall they will work their way through studies from Max Lucado and Amy-Jill Levine. 

Contacts: Debbie Burdette, dburdette52@gmail.com; and Charis Acree, acreecharis@gmail.com


Woman of the Church

Women of the Church meets from September to May on the second Wednesday of the Month from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm. During that time there is a meeting, bible study, and lunch. All women are welcome! The first gathering for the fall is September 13th. 

Contact: Jan Carnes, carnejk@bellsouth.net 



Pathfinders is a group interested in studying current issues like racial justice and poverty. They meet Wednesdays, 6:30 to 8:00 pm in the Session Room. 

Contacts: Judy Lawrence, bjlawrence02@yahoo.com; and Ann Sellman, annsellman4@gmail.com


Wednesday night groups

Midweek Manna

C’Sons Group

Delavant Group