Discover First


Now it’s getting real. maybe.

You’ve gotten to a point where you want to learn more about First Pres. You may not be fully invested, but there’s something about this community and— more importantly— the Christ we follow which pique your interest.

Of course, it’s also possible a free meal piques your interest.

All worthy things. So why not have it all? Discover First is our way of introducing the church to you and you to us. You’ll come over for dinner at the Goodlets’ house, we’ll chat, James will talk a little church, and we’ll get to hear your questions about Jesus, First Pres., why Atlanta sports are cursed (at least until the Braves won the Series in ‘21!), whatever. Everything’s on the table.

We’ll do two dinners a year — one in May and one in November — so if you’re interested, fill out the form below. It’s important you let us know how many of you will be coming so we can make enough food!